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since 2007

Gypsy Punk is perfect for afterlife road trips

by Cris


I never thought I would catch on to the Gypsy Punk movement, but after getting Gogol Bordello’s song “Through the Roof N’ Underground” stuck in my head for almost a week – I’m certainly wanting to give his other songs another go on my Mp3 player. If you haven’t heard of this band before, this song is a great introduction. It’s not something you’ll love instantly, but it’s the sort of song that grows on you – like moss on a rock or mold on a two week old sandwich that you left in your bag.

One thing I absolutely love about it is the singer, Eugenet Hutz’s, thick Eastern European accent. Never mind the rest of the lyrics, but singing out the chorus ‘
Ooohoohoooh through the roof, underground’ in an Eastern European accent over and over again, makes it so much fun. My favorite Nevermind the Buzzcock’s regular Phill Jupitus describes the band as “a bit like The Clash and The Pogues having a fight… in Eastern Europe”.

As with many Indie music songs – the first major exposure that this song gets is on a film…an Indie film. Here’s a clip from “Wristcutters: A Love Story” which features Gogol Bordello’s song prominently. Set in an afterlife for people who committed suicide, friends Zia- the wristcutter, Mikal – the druggie who OD’d, and Eugene – the Russian rocker who’s successful suicide attempt was electrocution via beer on his electric guitar,  go on a road trip through the afterlife wastelands. The only music they have on  the road is a cassette recording of Eugene’s band that he had on his pocket the day he killed himself . Not entirely bad when it’s Gogol Bordello’s “Through the Roof N’ Underground”. I’d highly recommend watching the film too. The clip, just right after the cut.


  Listen to Through the Roof N’ Underground