This song just slays me. Whenever I hear it, I can’t help but imagine a sleazy European guy hitting on some girl at a bar after geekily dancing to Numa-Numa.
Don’t let the visual image ruin this song for you though. It’s just my personal take on it – which really has nothing to do with the song. Most won’t even find it extremely amusing, well no, the song IS quite amusing, though not in the funny laugh out loud kind of way.
Friska Viljor’s ‘Monday’ is a tap-your-feet, bop-your-head, electro-pop kind of song. It’ll feel quite at home in the 80’s with the likes of Human League’s ‘Don’t You Want Me’. If you listen to it carefully, it’s like a friend telling you how his day went after a night out in the town…with a dash of electro beats added to accent the narration.
It’s pretty angsty and ridden with depressing feelings of alienation. In fact, one of its repeating lyrics is “I have to cancel all my dreams” – quite far from the visual representation that my brain cooks up whenever I hear that song.I guess it’s just the weird mix of it being so Human League-ish, and the lyrics so detailed, narrative and wreaking with pathetic insecurity that make it so amusing for me. It’s quite endearing, really.
Listen to Monday