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since 2007

Stalking is fun…just ask Hello Saferide

by Cris


hellosaferideblog.jpgI’m going to round up my Swedish indie music themed blog posts with a solo artist from Stockholm, Sweden called Hello Saferide (real name: Annika Norlin).

This pretty young gal broke into the internet music scene with a song called “High School Stalker”- a cute pop tune that relays a day in the life of a girl who’s in love with a guy, whom she, as the title of the song goes, stalks. She goes through all the basic stalking elements: rummaging through his school records, breaking into his dentist’s office and even befriending the stalkee’s  (I just invented a term there) mom. Lest not we forget, she begins with the most classic and easiest way of stalking – through the internet. As evidenced by one line of her song -“I’ve been on the Altavista, I went one twice on the Yahoo!” – she checks out internet data to get any sort of information about the object of her desire. Thinking about it, this line is actually lost to the people of the Internet Generation (or even general internet users nowadays). Who goes on Altavista and uses Yahoo! as a search engine anymore? Probably if you were living in the 90’s, which might be when this song was made. But of course there were other better alternative methods back then, like Switchboard or checking out their ICQ profile or if they have a page on Angelfire or Geocities…

Okay, before I reveal how ancient I am and what my internet activities were in the the mid to late 1990s, here’s Annika’s catchy-fun, tug-at-your-heartstrings pop song about unrequited love:

  Listen to High School Stalker