the indie music database

since 2007

Gone for a month and all we get is a submission form?

by Cris


Well, it’s THE submission form…so you know, it’ll be easier for me to update the DB when you submit your information in. I know, I know – it looks a bit crappy if you look at it web-design wise (much like the whole site) – but it’s a whole three days worth of hard work (stretched over a one month period, since LIFE got in the way) – to give you guys a great working submission form.  Actually, it works better for me since it cuts my work to edit all the information submitted to the DB down to half.

Ok, so now that that’s done, time to populate the Indie Music Database…and pronto! I’ve gotten 26 so far, only nine hundred thousand more to go. And this, is my cue to ask you guys for help. Click here to go to our Contribute page. Help in the form of Indie Music information is greatly appreciated.