List Addict’s Fridays is back!
After a marked absence of the Friday list, I’m back with a new set of songs to entertain and sweeten your day. This week, it’s all duets – because it’s one of the hallmarks of modern indie music. Also, if you listen to too much indie music, you can’t get away from all those sickly sweet duets.
I was going to go for some electro-pop, just because I wanted another reason to write about Figurine – but opted for some twee instead. As twee, loves the boy/girl vocal exchange – I’m have five twee-pop song duets here. And no, this list does not include The Moldy Peaches’ Anyone Else But You.
Here’s my random list of twee indie music duets off the top of my head.
1. Heavenly – C is The Heavenly Option
This one is for the twee history books. Included in 1990’s band Heavenly‘s Le Jardin de Heavenly album, this is a staple for any indie music lover’s favorite duets list. It’s a cute little number by Heavenly’s Amelia Fletcher and K Records founder Calvin Johnson. An equally excellent version of the song was done by Los Campesinos!, where they flipped the girl and boy exchange to a boy and girl one.
2. Los Campesinos! – International Tweexcore Underground
Of course, I couldn’t set up this list without including a Los Campesinos! song. And what song would be best to include than their tongue in cheek song about the indie culture. Punk vs Twee in a sort of Romeo and Juliet scenario – International Tweexcore Underground is one of my favorite love songs, and if you know me, I call every song a love song.
3. The Research – Bet If We Kissed
This song was not included in my top songs for wooing the girl you love for a good reason. The reason is not the lazy vocal stylings of Russel Searle, but the unique lyrics detailing an end of the world scenario if ‘we kissed’ which includes swings freezing in motion, storms blowing across the ocean and the finale of the world plunging into darkness. It’s a cute song nonetheless.
4. Lacrosse – You Can’t Say No Forever
A twee-pop duet list wouldn’t be complete without at least one indie-pop Swedish band. This week’s list will be represented by Lacrosse’s oozing with sweet song You Can’t Say No Forever. It’s all about pining for that one person who you can’t seem to have. As the old saying goes, if at first you don’t succeed, try and try again. The more you try, the odds will statistically will be in your favor – because of course, they can’t say no forever, can they?
5. Slow Club – When I Go
When I Go a.k.a the Ritz crackers song, is a little ditty by the indie folk twosome Slow Club. It’s a lovely song about two friends who have an ‘If we’re not married when we’re x number of years old, we’ll marry each other’ pact. Honestly, whoever asks you to have that pact is secretly in love with you, so, you can either take the hint and hook up, or burst their bubble with an outright ‘no’. Then again, I’m not a love guru so don’t take my word for it. The whole scenario sure does make a great song though.
I’m going to try to insert a bit of a site update here. Just wanted to let you guys know that The Indie Music Database is now on Facebook. You can check out our nifty little page here. Sign up as a fan, spread the love and let us know – we sure need all the lovin’ that we can get 😉