I came across Louis when he suggested getting an interview he did with The Radio Dept. up on the site. Unfortunately my slow email-replying habits got to me and CaVaCool snatched his interview up first. Though, we unfortunately missed out on a brilliant interview from someone other than me, Louis, besides from being a great interviewer, is also a great musician. As the site is always up for some raw talent, I’ve decided to set him up for this week’s Fresh from the Post.
I always ask this to everyone I feature on the site (since it is an Indie Music Database) – how do you define Indie Music?
I feel ‘indie music’ is defined by financial restraints and it’s lyrical content. When I hear a song that seems like one microphone is picking up 20 instruments or the lyrics are about everyday life or focus on a non popular subject matter I feel those songs are indie. Bright Eyes is a prime example, especially with the Lifted… album.
I borrowed my uncle’s classical guitar and jammed out green day songs all day until I eventually started to write my own compositions because I needed to express myself artistically.
Sad lyrics over uplifting tunes. The themes of loneliness and abandonment run threw out my songs ever since I started writing. I really focus on that side of my life when I pen a tune. I don’t really think it’s a conscience choice though. It just happens that way.
It’s pretty interesting that you came across the blog by suggesting to have an article about the Radio Dept. up (which some other blog site beat me to publishing 😉 ) – how’d you manage to get the interview and how was it meeting the band?
I talked with their record company, Labrador Records, and they set it up. I sent them my questions and they replied. It took a while to send it because I wanted to ask them questions that I thought they needed to answer. I will be conducting a video interview with the band when they arrive in New York City to play Popfest. They seem like nice guys and I’m really excited to meet them. (note: This Q and A was conducted in March, so I hope you had a great time meeting up with The Radio Dept Louis! – Cris)
The second is named The art of letting go. It’s about this girl I fell in love with when I was living in New York City. Her name was Mary and she was beautiful. This was my first real song and it took me awhile to finish mostly because I didn’t have the lyrics, just the tune. I will always love this song because it was my first.
I’m currently working on a song called King Street with Jean. It’s about the relationship between men and women and what each wants out of it. The music we are producing now is a bit more honest and closer to what I know rather then my imagination.