I wish for snow. Proper snow. Not that just that one day of snow we had last December. I wish it would snow for the Olympics. Traffic, tons of people…and snow. It would be fun 😉
Here’s the recap of last week’s Lyric of the Day –
"You can make everything out of anything. And you don’t believe in violence"
Macgyver Blues by My Little Pony
"Teach me to learn to lose myself"
Nefi + Girly by Asobi Seksu
"You make your peace, you make your mistakes. Sometimes the world gives sometimes it takes"
Two Ghosts by Boy Eats Drum Machine
"We made zombies to fight your zombies and now they stare each other out in the sanctuary on Saturdays"
Champagne Girls I Know by Johnny Foreigner
"I just want to sparkle for a moment, before I just fizzle out and die"
Be Gentle With Me by The Boy Least Likely To
"Life is unfair. Kill yourself or get over it."
Child Psychology by Black Box Recorder
"I’m so, I’m so distracted. I can’t concentrate on anything at all!"
ADHD by Blood Red Shoes
photo by cursedthing