Ahh, hipster hate – the true landmark of hipster-ism. Personally, I don’t really get that whole thing about hating on sub-cultures of cultures…or whatever you might call it. Also, as a self ascribed self-facilitating media node, I withhold judgement only until after Dan Ashcroft writes about it in Sugar Ape.
Forgive me, it’s a Monday.
Here now is your recap –
"You aren’t allowed to say that you’re better. You aren’t allowed to say that cos you’re the hipster type"
Mirror Kissers by The Cribs
"You were the best thing and I missed it, because I didn’t have the guts to say what I meant"
Hanover Start Clapping by Tellison
"I’m making out tonight – with my computer"
Loop Duplicate My Heart by Suburban Kids with Biblical Names
"A moment, a love. A dream aloud. A kiss, a cry. Our rights, our wrongs."
Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap
"Well alright, it’s okay. We all get the slips sometimes everyday."
In The Sun by She and Him
"Tomorrow’s another day. Alright, yes – but it’s also another mess."
An Actor’s Revenge by Destroyer
photo by brainsik