the indie music database

since 2007

Piano smashing goodness from Dani Rosenoer

by Cris


Dani from Everyone’s Talking sent this in, with the promise of posting my blog to their 50,000 followers. I thought, sure, and started contemplating on why, for the life me, have I not gotten 50,000 followers in the past three years that this blog has been alive. Then it hit me, like an axe hitting the white ivory keys of that hapless piano that got thrown over a cliff. I’ve had the wrong approach with this blog all along. Since random acts of sex and violence sell, instead of Lyric of the Day, we’re going to have Boobies of the Day. But for now, you’ll just have to content yourselves with a graphic display of piano mutilation – with excellent mood music to boot. If you liked the music, Dani’s got some more at too.