Zopilote Machine
The Mountain Goats
Release Year: 1994
Label: Ajax Records
1) Alpha Incipiens
2) Azo Tle Nelli In Tlalticpac?
3) Alpha Sun Hat
4) The Black Ice Cream Song
5) Sinaloan Milk Snake Song
6) We Have Seen the Enemy
7) Standard Bitter Love Song #7
8) Quetzalcoatl Eats Plums
9) Orange Ball of Love
10) Orange Ball of Hate
11) Bad Priestess
12) Going to Bristol
13) Young Caesar 2000
14) Going to Lebanon
15) Grendel's Mother
16) Song for Tura Satana
17) Alpha In Tauris
18) Going to Georgia
19) Quetzalcoatl Is Born