the indie music database

since 2007

Gogol Bordello

Gogol Bordello


Years Active: 1999 to present

Genre: Gypsy Punk, Folk

Country: United States


Tommy Gobena (bass)
Sergey Rjabtzev (violin)
Eugene Hutz (vocals)
Pam Racine (percussion / dance), former member
Sasha Kazatchkoff, former member
Oren Kaplan (guitar), former member
Eliot Ferguson (drums), former member
Yuri Lemeshev (accordion), former member
Rea Mochiach, former member
Karl Alvarez, former member
Elizabeth Sun (percussion / dance), former member
Ori Kaplan, former member
Susan Donaldson, former member
Pedro Erazo (percussion / MC)
Alfredo Ortiz (drums)
Boris Pelekh (guitar / backing vocals)
Vanessa Walters (percussion / backing vocals )
Ashley Tobias (backing vocals / percussion)

Artist Bio:

From theirMyspace Page There are many of us for whom music is an irreplaceable part of life. We rely on it to take us out of sadness, pressures of poverty, youth, age, etc. Mixed with alcohol it seems to be a remedy for just about anything, be it a rapid fire of notes exploding in catharsis all over the major key, or an obsessive marathon of soul-searching sounds crawling around minor key... it all appears somehow more solid and present in our lives than materials, something we can always address and hold on to. At its best, music connects us to a feeling as large as the whole goddamn universe itself... Of course, sometimes, when sober, we can say, "Well, after all, it's just music..." Yet everywhere you'll go, in every culture, you'll see its major royal presence. Some say with a straight up claim that music is the essence of life (for example: Wlodzimier Staniewski with his theatre group Gardzienice (Musicality of Earth, or see Praktyki teatralne W. Staniewski Test, Lublin, 97, Poland)); I join in with them. Others see it more as an enhancing luxurious amusement-like activity. Sure, I'm down with that too, but one way or another, both......[Read More]

