the indie music database

since 2007

Danielson Famile

Danielson Famile


Years Active: 1994 to present

Genre: Indie Rock, Avante Garde

Country: United States


Lenny Smith
Jedidiah Slaboda
Lilly Smith
Daniel Smith
Andrew Smith
David Smith
Rachel Galloway
Elin Smith
Megan Slaboda
Christian Palladino
Melissa Palladino
Sufjan Stevens
Ida Smith

Artist Bio:

Daniel Smith, the eldest sibling of five, closely-knit, brothers and sisters, has released music under a handful of different monikers since 1995. Originally creating "Danielson" as an art school project for his senior thesis, the idea quickly started to grow into the aptly named "Danielson Famile." This group, which brought into the mix his four younger siblings along with a few friends from childhood, released the critically-acclaimed, "Tell Another Joke at the Ol" Choppin" Block" in 1997. During the next two years saw the release of two back-to-back concept albums, "Alpha" and "Omega" under the name "Tri-Danielson," before Danielson Famile returned with a family celebration album called "Fetch the Compass Kids," released in 2001. Three years later, he returned with "Brother is to Son," an album celebrating personal identity and community, but this time released under the moniker "Br. Danielson." Now don"t be confused friend, because in 2006, Danielson has returned with "Ships," an album to resolve all things past. Opening his arms wider than ever, Daniel made a list of all the artists who have worked with him over the years. To that list, he added other folks whom he had made plans to work with at some point. His plan was......[Read More]

