Arigato, Hato!
Arigato, Hato!
Years Active: 2008 to present
Genre: pop
Country: Philippines
Gato (vox)
Panda (keyboards and percussion)
Anteater (guitar)
Bee Bear (bass)
Koala (beats)
Artist Bio:
From their Multiply site - Little Gato hopped on a borrowed piano and away she went! She held hands with Buho and Platypus who, along the way, got too busy to play pretend. Then, as Little Gato continued to tinker more songs on her laptop, she met Tigre, who showed her a darker blend of sound. Bee Bear volunteered to help and Gato was later joined by Mankey and Plankton for live performances, and more recently, by Eegol, Koala and Panda who haven't given up on her yet. Buho, Wallaby and Mankey don't play pretend anymore. But Platypus with his Nintendo DS will be back with us soon. Arigato, Hato! is: Gato - Vox Panda - Keyboards and percussion Bee Bear - Bass Koala - Beats Anteater - Guitar Honorary Members Wallaby Plankton Eegol Mankey Buho From - Christened, Arigato, Hato! in early 2008, by the bands ex-guitarist Owel Alvero, the band began performing in March 2008 and is barely a year old. What started out as a solo minimalist project under the name Cat in the Hat with pioneer member, Gato and had at one point, become a collective of sorts with members coming and going prior to its......[Read More]