Best Fwends
Best Fwends
Years Active: 2004 to present
Genre: punk rock
Country: United States
Anthony Davis
Dustin Pilkington
Artist Bio:
From the Moshi-Moshi Records page Retarded anti-pop music made by two musical idiot savants from Texas with a cheap computer. They have already toured on the "don't need a stage" circuit in the style of bands like Lightening Bolt and Coachwhips - performing in their underpants with taped up faces and ipod backing tracks. their longest song is under 2 minutes. utter genius. In their own words... The Story goes: "Anthony was borrowing a 4 track from our friend and we were bored at his house. The first Best Fwends 4-tracks were born, using a toys r us keyboard, a guitar effects processor, and our annoying voices. We punished those songs for being bad and have locked them away for now... They were improv chipmunk-voice noise jams, I believe. We thought they were cute and fun so we continued recording track after track of retarded/ridiculous sleep-deprived delirious noise for several months afterwards (using gameboys, live drums, cookie monster vocals, flutes, etc!) on the side, anthony was making total club bumpin dance tracks. While listening to them one day dustin had a funny vision. he was all like, "DUDE! we could SING on top of those you know?! and uhh, record guitar......[Read More]