The Virgins
The Virgins
Years Active: 2005 to present
Genre: rock, dance-punk
Country: United States
Paul Vassallo
Wade Oates (guitar)
Kevin Rice
Donald Cumming (vocals/guitar)
Nick Zarin-Ackerman (bass)
Erik Ratensperger, former member
Artist Bio:
The Virgins are an American indie rock band formed in 2005 based in New York City, New York. They have toured with Jet and opened for Sonic Youth and Patti Smith. The Virgins were formed after a Ryan McGinley photo shoot brought together Donald Cumming and Wade Oates to work on tracks Cumming had begun. The two other members joined shortly after; Erik Ratensperger, and Nick Ackerman. The Virgins have gained popularity recently due to the CW show Gossip Girl featuring five of their songs in one episode and recent participation in SXSW. Erik Ratensperger left the band at the end of 2008 and has since been replaced with Kevin .[Read More]