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since 2007

Frightened Rabbit

Frightened Rabbit

photo by Dave Gourley

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Frightened Rabbit


Years Active: 2003 to present

Genre: rock, folk

Country: United Kingdom


Gordon Skene (various instruments)
Scott Hutchison (vocals, guitar)
Grant Hutchison (drums, vocals)
Billy Kennedy (guitar, keyboards, bass)
Andy Monaghan (keyboards, guitar, bass)

Artist Bio:

from the Fat Cat Records website - Though the past year has seen Frightened Rabbit finally step into public view, with more extensive touring and three full-length albums now publicly available, the past few years have largely been about the band quietly, committedly honing their sound, and cultivating their art. Now a five-piece comprising Scott, Billy, Andy, Gordon and Grant, the origins of the band are rooted in 2003, when Scott began playing solo shows under the name Frightened Rabbit, mostly in support of fellow art-schoolers Shitdisco. Recordings were made on a tascam 4-track recorder, with Scott playing all the instruments (some more proficiently than others). Though looser, sparser, and certainly more lo-fi in terms of production values, their early demos still attest to a burgeoning talent with a defined personality, and a now familiar penchant for being able to nail a near perfect pop song. In 2004 Scotts brother Grant moved to Glasgow, contributing drums to certain recorded tracks, and playing live. Frightened Rabbit became louder and better. They burnt 50 copies of their subsequent demo, and sent some out to labels, resulting in three tracks being hosted on the FatCat MP3/demo website, and marking the beginning of a wonderful relationship......[Read More]



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