the indie music database

since 2007

The Legends

The Legends


Years Active: 2003 to present

Genre: Indie pop

Country: Stockholm Sweden


Johan Angergrd

Artist Bio:

The Legends was formed in January 2003 and the week after a gig was booked, supporting The Radio Dept. in Stockholm. It was one of several indie pop projects masterminded by Swedish producer/musician Johan Angergrd (his other bands include the Acid House Kings and Club 8). As the band basically lacked songs and members the first two weeks were spent writing songs and gathering friends who could play, or wanted to play, in the band. Many of the nine members who played live with Johan had never played their instruments before which just added excitement to their short and intensive gigs. According to The Legends in the early days the band played music that couldnt be placed in a genre, but were still happy to agree on Television Personalities, Comet Gain, Motown and C-86 as inspiration. "When they write their best uptempo songs, time stands still. Handclap, sing-a-long choruses and clattering guitars, soul" The Cricket wrote. And most people seemed to agree! The Legends were told at the start to be a band consisting nine members who played drums, guitars, tambourine, organ, bass and sung. In hindsight we are told that it was in fact only when playing live they were......[Read More]

