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since 2007

The Hidden Cameras

The Hidden Cameras

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The Hidden Cameras


Years Active: 2001 to present

Genre: Indie pop

Country: Ontario, Canada


Ivan Turkalj
Jamie McCarthy
Lief Mosbaugh
Jon Hynes
John Power
Paul Mathew
Laura Barrett
Maggie MacDonald
Joel Gibb
Shaun Brodie

Artist Bio:

To speak of an artist's "growth" is an unforgivable cliche, but it's hard to describe Origin:Orphan, The Hidden Cameras' latest release, as anything but an evolutionary leap beyond their previous efforts. With this album, their fourth studio record proper, Toronto's self-proclaimed "mild-mannered army" have sunk their roots deeper, branched wider, and gained a new musical maturity--simultaneously finding inspiration from more unexpected sources and creating some of their catchiest songs to date. "This album is a foray into new territory," says Joel Gibb, the Cameras' founder and front man, "exploring genre as a theme in itself while retaining classic Hidden Cameras moments." Gibb has been spending time in Berlin for the last four years, and attributes at least some of the band's mounting sophistication to his exposure to German classical music. "Ratify the New", the first track on Origin:Orphan, for instance, starts with a single droning note, sustained for nearly two and a half minutes before Gibb's voice breaks in. The single note is a musical device that recalls the prelude of Wagner's opera Das Rheingold, which opens with 136 bars in the chord of E flat major. Yet European high art is not the only influence on the heady......[Read More]

