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crystal castles
A Skins soundtrack retrospective: Part Two

A Skins soundtrack retrospective: Part Two

This is the second article in a six-part retrospective of the Skins soundtrack. You can find part 1 here. Skins was a teen drama series in the UK that ran from 2007 to 2013 - think a more edgier, sexier version of Degrassi or a predecessor to Euphoria (which I...

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10 Favourite Songs That Found a New Life on TikTok

10 Favourite Songs That Found a New Life on TikTok

via Adobe Stock   Did you know that the last time I did one of these lists was in 2010? Way before listicles were a trend, and way back when blogs where a thing, we had List Addicts Fridays where I'd list down 5 or more songs that thematically, had something in...

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